Blue Wave 4mm Slotted Head Dee Shackle
Blue Wave 5mm x 17mm Slotted Head Dee Shackle
Blue Wave 5mm x 25mm Slotted Head Dee Shackle
Blue Wave 5mm x 24mm Slotted Head Dee Shackle
Blue Wave 5mm Key Pin SS Shackle
Blue Wave 4mm Key Pin SS Shackle
5mm Flush Allen Key Dee Shackle - Ideal for when you don't need to keep taking off and no shackle key to catch on ropes
6mm Flush Allen Key Dee Shackle - Ideal for when you don't need to keep taking off and no shackle key to catch on ropes
Allen 5 x 31mm Strip Pressed D Shackle
8mm Flush Allen Key Dee Shackle - Ideal for when you don't need to keep taking off and no shackle key to catch on ropes
Wichard 4mm D Self-Locking Shackle - Work Load 320kg
Allen 4mm Forged Slotted D Shackle for Allen Multi-Function Block (AL2021)
Blue Wave 6mm Key Pin SS Shackle
RWO 5mm Forged D Shackle - Break Load 1500kg
Wichard 5mm D Self-Locking Shackle - Ideal for attachments and heavy work load
RWO 6mm Forged D Shackle - Break Load 1800kg
Allen 5 x 16mm Strip Pressed D Shackle
Allen 5 x 25mm Strip Pressed D Shackle
10mm Flush Allen Key Dee Shackle - Ideal for when you don't need to keep taking off and no shackle key to catch on ropes
Allen 5mm Forged Slotted D Shackle
RWO 5mm Forged Captive D Shackle - Break Load 1500kg
Allen 6.5mm Strip Shackle with Clevis Pin
RWO 6mm Forged Captive D Shackle - Break Load 1800kg
Wichard 6mm D Self-Locking Shackle - Work Load 600kg
RWO 4mm Forged D Shackle - Pair - Break Load 1050kg
/ pair(s)
Allen Forged 5mm Narrow Shackle with slotted pin - Very useful for keeping everything away from ropes
Wichard 4mm D Captive Pin Shackle - Never loose your shackle pin - ideal for halyards
RWO 8mm Forged D Shackle - Break Load 2800kg
Allen 6mm Forged Slotted D Shackle - Huge breakload of 2500KG
Wichard 5mm D Captive Pin Shackle - Heavy work loads and perfect for kickers on Phantom and other dinghies